
TM/1/1/48-Letter from Thomas Manning, Macao, December 1808

Letter from Thomas Manning to William Manning from Macao. He writes that troops have been landed at Macao to protect it from the French but the Chinese have not given their consent. The Chinese and English bully each other but Manning surmises that the Chinese laugh, because the Company will not risk the trade. Nobody can travel to Canton. Manning thinks all the other foreigners are waited to see the English “worsted”, He has received letters from his father and a parcel from his brother, Edward. He has adopted Chinese/Cochinchinese dress. “I wear a long robe, loon drawers, nankin boots & a black fine crepe turban. Vastly comfortable in the hot weather & so becoming with my long beard”. Handwritten, 1 piece, 3 sides. Dated 1st Monday in December, 1808