
Welcome to Our Digital Library

The Royal Asiatic Society's Digital Library provides free online access to some of our historic collections, for a worldwide audience. The site features archives, manuscripts, artwork, photographs, and more, from a variety of Asian cultures, as well as materials showing some of the ways Europeans have responded to Asia over the centuries. The site does not contain our whole collection, but we aim to constantly add new content. For further information about any of our collections or activities, please contact us or visit the Society’s main website.

We are very grateful to the Friends of the National Libraries for generously supporting the creation of this Digital Library, and for the digitization of the Thomas Manning Archive. We are also grateful to the following partners for their generous support towards the digitization of items in the Society’s collections: Kahle/Austin Foundation; National Library Board, Singapore; National Archives of Malaysia; Professor Charles Melville, Dr Firuza Melville, and the Pembroke Shahnama Centre for Persian Studies; Dr Barbara Brend; Byoma Kusuma Buddhadharma Sangha; Bharat Itihas Sanshodhak Mandal; Professor Rajeev Kinra; Dr Annabel Teh Gallop; and Dr Shuchi Gupta.


Haegue Yang: Leap Year


From Singapore to Windsor Castle


Happy Birthday, Horace Hayman Wilson
