
[Photo.53/(007)] Interior view of part of the fortifications extending from the north gate of Dzaghgotzatzor to the entry of the north-east gate

Stereoscopic photographs of the interior view of part of the fortifications built by Achod III, the Merciful (964) and Sempad the Conqueror (979) extending from the north gate of Dzaghgotzatzor to the entry of the north-east gate. The east part of Dzaghgotzatzor and the remains of the royal baths. A view taken of the side of the royal palace to the north of Ani. [Translated from the French original]. The photographs are also described as ‘View of the city walls and the Igadzor valley’.

Two identical 8.5 x 7.5 cm photographs taken by Onnes Kurkdjian in the 1870s and mounted on card.

Part of a set of 38 cards with stereoscopic photographs. Each card has the title ‘Collection “Ruines of Armenia: Ani; the capital of the Bagratides” by [facsimile of Kurkidjian’s signature], Erevan’ in French and Armenian. The cards have no captions but are hand numbered 1 to 42 and the subject of each card is listed in the accompanying booklets one of which is in French and German and the other in Armenian. The booklets note that the photographs for cards 11 and 12 were lost and, consequently, these cards were replaced with cards 41 and 42. Cards 9 and 10 are missing from this collection.