Persian Manuscripts
[RAS Persian 038] Raudat al-Safa. Vol. IV.

Raudat al-Safa. Vol. IV. [RAS Persian 38] By: Mir Khwand (Muhammad b. Khawand Shah b. Mahmud) Nasta’liq. Fol. 269. 20…
[RAS Persian 239] Shahnamah of Firdausi, of Muhammad Juki

The Shahnamah of Firdausi, copied in Herat for the Timurid prince Muhammad Juki (1402-1445) whose name appears on a banner…
[RAS Persian 251] Bustan of Sa’di

The Bustan of Sa’di, richly illuminated by Sultan Mohammed Nur. A manuscript of high quality. Ruled margins covering join of…
[RAS Persian 258] Gulistan of Sa’di

One of the finest illustrated manuscripts contained within the collections of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland…
[RAS Persian 310] The Masnavis of Zafar Khan

Kitab-i Mathnawiyyat-i Zafar Khan (RAS Persian 310). An autograph copy of the verses of Ahsanallah b. Abu ‘l-Hasan entitled Zafar…