TM/02/04/: Correspondence with W. Baines
There are 4 letters from Baines to Manning, 2 from Norfolk when Baines is on holiday and 2 from London, when Baines has taken up a new position. All date from 1790
TM/2/4/1-lLetter from W Baines, 10 June 1790

Letter from W Baines to Thomas Manning from Denver Sluice. He has just arrived at Denver Sluice but has forgotten…
TM/2/4/2-Letter from W Baines, June [1790]

Letter from W Baines to Thomas Manning from Denver Sluice, Norfolk. He writes for Manning to send him Flowers’ paper…
TM/2/4/3-Letter from W Baines, 15 November 1790

Letter from W Baines to Thomas Manning from Charter House Square London. He writes that Manning had prophesied well and…
TM/2/4/4-Letter from W Baines, 9 December [1790]

Letter from W Baines to Thomas Manning from Charter House Square London. He is concerned that Manning has not replied…