
TM/1/1/33-Letter from Thomas Manning, Paris, 27 September 1804

Letter from Thomas Manning to William Manning from Paris. He writes that another autumn has come and he is still in France but he has put to good use, learning not our of books but “out of crawling things called men. – when I have seen the interior of China, I shall be a consummate politician”. He is well treated by the Government but is not pleased by Dr James Crawford running away and writing an impertinent letter to the Minister of War – it cause anxiety amongst the Englishmen still in France. The grapes have ripened and are cheap; preparations for the coronation are underway for 18 brumaire (9 November). He asks his father about shooting and jokes that he should ask to go to England to shoot with him but since game is abundant in France he doesn’t think that the promise of a leash of partridge would be sufficient to let the Minister of War give him a passport. Handwritten, 1 piece, 3 sides. Dated 27 September 1804