
TM/1/1/15-Letter from Thomas Manning, Paris, 8 June 1802

Letter from Thomas Manning to William Manning from Paris. He wonders whether his last letter got to his father as he had written about the assassination attempt. He continues to write about French politics and the suppression of the truth, and how Parisiennes will make up their ‘truth’ according to their disposition. He will send this letter with Mr Taylor who is returning to England and whom Manning will miss. Taylor has introduced Manning to “Dr Hagar, the Conservator of the Oriental manuscripts at the National Library who is about to publish a Chinese dictionary under the auspices of the French Government. The Dr and I shall probably become intimate, as I am learning the Chinese tongue, & so curious a language is a greater bond of union among men than even Free-masonry”. Manning writes that he has been occupied in finishing a mathematical work which he intends to send to Carnot (Lazare Nicolas Marguerite, Comte Carnot (13 May 1753 – 2 August 1823) in manuscript. He is also involved in other analytical investigations. He is been to countryside around Paris on 2 or 3 excursions and admires Versailles. Handwritten, 1 piece, 4 sides. Dated Tuesday 8th June 1802