[RAS Maxwell Malay 017] Extract from Taj as-Salatin
200 p.
33.5 x 20.5 cm
A: 11 ff. Extract from Taj as-Salatin. On title page, dated AH 1296 [AD 1878] and said to be owned by Maxwell. At end dated AH 1296/AD 1879, in Taiping (Perak); Maxwell again named as owner. B: 17 ff. Digest of Pahang laws done for Sultan ‘Abd al-Ghaffar [AD 1592-1614]. Copied in AH 1296/AD 1879 from an original of AH 1234 [AD 1818]. Lined European paper. Maxwell bequest, 1898. See M.C. Ricklefs and P. Voorhoeve, Indonesian manuscripts in Great Britain (1977), p. 145. Digitization sponsored by the National Archives of Malaysia.