
[RAS Arabic 04] al-Qurʼān


Qur’an, with interlinear Malay translation. 352 ff.; 33 x 25 cm; text block 27 x 17.5 cm. Brownish laid paper with squarish mold marks but no watermarks or chain lines; badly waterstained in parts with losses. 9 lines per page; black ink; the Arabic in an accomplished wide hand, with the Malay in a fine, small hand, hanging diagonally to the left.

Text frames are double-ruled red lines from ff. 1-6, and thereafter single red lines. Verse markers are gold roundels outlined in black, with silver roundels outlined in black from S. al-Nazi’at onwards; the silver has now tarnished and contracted to a grey/black mark against an orange background.

Surah headings are in red, enclosed in rectangular red frames, with simple knotted ta marbuta in some headings, with some marginal reading instructions, eg. ini kepada siang Selasa, ‘this on Tuesday noon’. Marginalia: juz’ are marked vertically in red ink, and the complete first line of the text written in red; one rub’ MO. Decoration: ff.1r & 2r, S. al-Fatihah and beg. of S. al-Baqarah, simple DF in red and black ink; but both folios are badly damaged with most of f. 2 now missing, and f. 1 bound in back to front so that the beginning of S. al-Fatihah is now on f. 1r, not f. 1v.

Annotations/texts: flyleaf and f. 3r: ‘Presented by Admiral C.M. Pole Bart. June 19 1830’; ff. f. 352r: prayer; f. 352v: prayer, and doodles with part of a letter opening in Malay to qadim paduka kakanda Encik’ Zainuddin yang ada dengan istirahat al-khair di dalam negeri Semarang, ‘to esteemed older brother Encik Zainuddin, who resides peacefully in Semarang’.

Probably produced in AD C18th Banten. Half-leather European binding with marbled boards. Codrington 1892: 502 (no. 4); Sefercioglu 2000: 129.

The page edges have been cropped for online display, which means some annotations are not visible. A downloadable PDF version, showing all page edges and annotations, is available below for research purposes. 

Digitization sponsored by Annabel Teh Gallop in honour of Peter Riddell, supported by the Merdeka Award 2022.

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