[RAS Burmese 23] [Abhidhammamātikā] – Suttantamātikā
language : Pāli
date : C19th?
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5 olas (ka-ku); 495 x 48 mm; 2 cord holes, 7 lines, 75 char., Burm. medium script, 430 mm; 2 wooden covers. This ms. has been used by the French scholar Eugene Burnouf for a transcript now kept in Bibliotheque nationale Paris under the shelfmark Papiers Burnouf 71(1), Fol 1a, a l’encre: “Manuscrit Pali 1ere boite. Philosophie des siamois appelee Boromat d’apres la note qui se trouve sur le manuscrit.” Fol 2a: “Colle sur le ms. de Londres Soc. As. no 25 (read no 23 instead of no 25) intitule matika in Pali and Burmese part of Abhidhammapiṭ”. No date. See Jacqueline Filliozat, ‘Survey of the Pāli Manuscript Collection in the Royal Asiatic Society’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1999, Vol. 9, Pt. 1, pp. 35-76.