
[RAS Tod MS 132] Sīsodyā-kī Vaṃśāvalī


Sīsodyā-kī Vaṃśāvalī [RAS Tod MS 132]

Copy completed early 19th century

43 f.; 24 x 17.5 cm

Lt. Col. James Tod, gift, 182-? Text in Rajasthani Hindi.

Paper; text in black ink. Text consists of brief notices or aḥwāl, concerning the Ranas of Mewar. It begins by listing ancestors from mythological times, including Manu and Ikṣvāku, then Puranic heroes and kings of the Aikṣvāku (Sūrya-vaṃśi) line until the reign of Vijay Bhūp. The manuscript then changes from continuous running text to short descriptions of successive descendants of Vijay Bhūp’s Aikṣvāku line, ending with Rāj Singh. The title of Sīsodyā-kī Vaṃśāvalī is to be found in the colophon. Inscription on flyleaf: ‘Rajahs of Marwaur from his own library Oodipaur J. Tod. Translated J. Tod’.

Tod Manuscript Collection. See L. D. Barnett ‘Catalogue of the Tod Collection of Indian manuscripts in the possession of the Royal Asiatic Society’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 1940, Pt. 2, p.158. See also unpublished catalogue of the RAS Tod manuscripts by Dr. Rima Hooja, 2002, held in the RAS library.