
[South Indian Sanskrit MS 058, Whish MS 59] Upadeśagranthavivaraṇa


Language – Sanskrit

Date – [1800?]
Palm leaf; 10 or 11 lines on a folio.

Text consists of the Upadeśagranthavivaraṇa, a commentary on the Pañcadaśī (ascribed to Sāyaṇa), by Rāmakṛṣṇa and Vidyāraṇya. Consists of 15 chapters on Vedānta philosophy in the following order: 1. Citradīpa (Tātparyabodhinī), ends f.30b; 2. Tṛptidīpa, ends f.69b; 3. Kūṭasthadīpa, ends f.79b; 4. Dhyānadīpa, ends f.98b; 5. Nāṭakadīpa, ends f.102b; 6. Tattvaviveka (Padadīpikā), ends f.119; 7. Pañcabhūtaviveka (Tātparyadīpikā), ends f.133b; 8. Pañcakośaviveka, ends f.143b; 9. Dvaitaviveka (Padayojanā), ends f.151b; 10. Mahāvākyaviveka, ends f.153; 11-15 Brahmānanda in five adhyāyas, ends f.176b, 193b, 208b, 212b, 215.

Winternitz notes that the two lithographed editions (Bombay 1863, Śake 1785, and Bombay 1878, Śake 1800) begin with the Tattvaviveka. See also Windisch, Ernst and Eggeling, Julius, Part IV of ‘Catalogue of the Sanskrit manuscripts in the library of the India Office’ by Julius Eggeling (London, 1887, sqq), p.745.

Text begins: natvā śrī-Bhāratītīrttha-Vidyāraṇyamunīśvarau | kriyate citradīpasya vyākhyā tātparyyabodhinī || cikīrṣitasya granthasya niṣpratyūhaparipūraṇāya paramātmanīti padena iṣṭadevatānusandhānalakṣaṇamaṃgaḻam ācarann asya granthasya vedāntaprakaraṇatvāt tadīyair eva viṣayādibhis tadvattāsiddhim manasi nidhāyāddhyāropāpavādābhyān niṣprapañcaṃ prapañcyata iti nyāyam anusṛtya paramātmany āropitasya jagata sthitiprakāraṃ sadṛṣṭāntaṃ pratijānīte etc.

It ends: iti brahmānande viṣayānando nāma pañcamoddhyāyaḥ || iti śrīparamahaṃsaparivrājakācāryya- śrī-Bhāratītīrttha-Vidyāraṇyamunivaryyakiṃkareṇa śrī-Rāmakṛṣṇākhyaviduṣā viracitam upadeśagranthavivaraṇaṃ samāptaṃ || hariḥ oṃ etc.

South Indian Sanskrit / Whish Manuscript Collection.

See ’A catalogue of South Indian Sanskrit manuscripts (especially those of the Whish Collection) belonging to the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland’ by M. Winternitz, with an appendix by F. W. Thomas (London: RAS, 1902) p.73-75. Go to for a digital copy of this catalogue.

J. L. Whish, gift of manuscripts collected by his brother C. M. Whish, July 1836.

Text in Sanskrit; Grantha script.