
[South Indian Sanskrit MS 084, Whish MS 84A] Mahābhārata. Parvan V. Udyoga Parvan

Mahābhārata. Parvan V. Udyoga Parvan

Language – Sanskrit

Date – [1800?]
Palm leaf; 9 or 10 lines on a folio.

Manuscript consists of Parvan V of the Mahābhārata, the Udyoga Parvan, Adhyāyas 1-94.

Winternitz notes that there is an entry by C. M. Whish dated ‘Cadroor 1827’ but he thinks the manuscript may be about 50 years older.

Text begins: Vyāsaṃ Vasiṣṭanaptāraṃ Śakteḥ pautram akalmaṣaṃ | Parāśarātmajaṃ vande Śukatātan taponidhiṃ | Janamejayaḥ | vṛtte vivāhe hṛṣṭātmā yad uvāca Yudhiṣṭhiraḥ | tat sarvaṃ kathayasveha kṛtavanto yad uttaraṃ | Vaiśaṃpāyanaḥ | kṛ *****[blank] kurupravīrās tathābhimanyor mmuditās sapakṣāḥ | viśrāmya catvāryy uṣasi pratītās sabhāṃ virāṭasya tatobhijagmuḥ | etc.

F.133b: ity udyogaparvaṇi trinavatitamodhyāyaḥ || Vaiśaṃ | tam bhuktavantam, etc. [Parvan V, 92 in Bombay edition]

The manuscript breaks off with the words: sarvadhā hi mahābāho daivair api durutsahaḥ | prabhā [Parvan V, 92, 28 in Bombay edition].

South Indian Sanskrit / Whish Manuscript Collection.

See ’A catalogue of South Indian Sanskrit manuscripts (especially those of the Whish Collection) belonging to the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland’ by M. Winternitz, with an appendix by F. W. Thomas (London: RAS, 1902) p.113. Go to for a digital copy of this catalogue.

J. L. Whish, gift of manuscripts collected by his brother C. M. Whish, July 1836.

Text in Sanskrit; Grantha script.