[South Indian Sanskrit MS 180, Whish MS 195] Sāmaveda. Rahasya
Sāmaveda. Rahasya
Language – Sanskrit
Date – [1800?]
Palm leaf; 8 or 9 lines on a folio. Manuscript consists of the following works: 1. the Daśarātra or first Book of the Ūhagāna of the Sāmaveda, in 11 Praśnas. See also RAS Whish MS 194 / South Indian Sanskrit MS 179; 2. the Rahasya of the Sāmaveda, in 7 Parts. The titles of these 7 Parts are the same as those of the 7 Books of the Ūhagāna. The work is evidently the same as the Uhyagāna or Ūhyagāna, on which see Benfey, ‘Die Hymnen des Sāmaveda’, p.viii; ‘Die Handschriften-Verzeichnisse der königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin’ by A. Weber, Pt. I (Berlin, 1853), p.67; ‘Catalogue Catalogorum’ by Th. Aufrecht (Leipzig, 1891, 1896), p.709. Winternitz notes that there is an entry by C. M. Whish dated ‘December 1831’, but he thinks the MS. may be 50-70 years older. Text of the Daśarātra begins: āmahīyavaṃ svayona — u pha ccā tā i | jātām andhasāḥ | dī chu vā i sāt bhu pre | mi kaḥ yā da dā i | u ro graṃ śarmmā | ma kaḥ hā i śrava 2 | yācā | sa pha nā | ā indrā yā yu jyavā i | vā chu rū ṇā yā pre | makaḥ rūt bhi yāḥ | vakairā vo vā it | pakaḥ rā 2 sravā 2 | vācā | ephanā vā i śvā ni aryya ā | etc. See Sāmaveda II, 1, 1, 8. It ends: o au ce ho hā i | śva kaḥ ntā u vā | ya ṭī ntyau ho | hiṃ kāmāpre | va khi mi jo mūhā i | di nu 4 2 nāmā 2 6 | lū || daśarātraḥ || hariḥ om, etc. Text of the Rahasya begins: ā ra bhi tvā śū ra no nma mo vā | rathantaraṃ || sva catvāri | ā ra bhi tvā śū ra no nma mo vā | ākā dugdhāṃ thenava [sec. m.: dugdhā iva dhenava] ī[śā]nam asya jagataḥ | su kaḥ vārdṛśāṃ | etc. See Sv. I, 3, 1, 5, 1. F.11: tritīyaḥ | daśarātraḥ | hariḥ oṃ || āpṛcchyaṃ saṃkṛṣṭaḥ | dhā ratnaḥ pūrvavad rathantaraṃ || F.26: ūhasāmaṃ | 41 | saṃvatasras samāptaḥ || ātharvaṇaṃ | uhu vā o hā | o au ca ho vā | etc. F.34: ekāhas samāptaḥ || ṛtanidhanam ājyadohaṃ || cyokāhaṃ | prakāsunvānāyā, etc. See Sv. I, 6, 2, 1, 9. F.44b: ahīnas samāptaḥ || mābhe | yo | rathakhye | saṃkṛṣṭaḥ rathantaraṃ || mā rabhe mamā, etc. F.48b: satraṃ samāptaṃ || hariḥ oṃ || u ca hu vā o hā | o au ca ho vā | etc. F.54b: prāyaścittaṃ samāptaṃ sāmaṃ 19 hariḥ oṃ || o au ho iyajñā yajñā, etc. It ends: iṭ ku iḍā | simāsuvā | adya yo stotriyo rityagatiḥ | di 12 | ut 3 | mānu 4 | jī | 2 || rahasyaṃ samāptam || śrīgurubhyo namaḥ || hariḥ om || śubham astu | For marking of accents, see Winternitz catalogue entry. South Indian Sanskrit / Whish Manuscript Collection. See ’A catalogue of South Indian Sanskrit manuscripts (especially those of the Whish Collection) belonging to the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland’ by M. Winternitz, with an appendix by F. W. Thomas (London: RAS, 1902) p.237-238. Go to http://tinyurl.com/j3tkdwj for a digital copy of this catalogue. J. L. Whish, gift of manuscripts collected by his brother C. M. Whish, July 1836. Text in Sanskrit; Grantha script.