TM/03/ : Correspondence Thomas Manning in France 1802-1804
This correspondence covers the time that Manning spent in France, mainly in Paris and at Chateau de Serrant. It holds historical interest because Manning was held in France at the outbreak of the Napoleonic Wars and the letters include both official and personal correspondence dating from that time. They are arranged into 4 Sections:
TM/3/1 Official correspondence and documents
TM/3/2 Personal Correspondence
TM/3/3 Calling cards and invitations
TM/3/4 Diligence information
TM/3/1/01-Letter from Le Ministre de L’Interieur, 25 February 1803

Letter from Le Ministre de L’Interieur to Thomas Manning, Hotel de Paris, replying on behalf of the Premier Counsul concerning…
TM/3/1/02-Official notification from Belville, Le Capitaine commandant au la Gendarmerie , 29 May, 1803

Official notification from Belville, Le Capitaine commandant au la Gendarmerie nationale du départment de Maine et Loire to give Thomas…
TM/3/1/03-Letter from Belville, Le Capitaine comandant, 9 July 1803

Letter from Belville, Le Capitaine commandant, la Gendarmerie nationale du department de Maine et Loire to Thomas Manning concerning his…
TM/3/1/04-Notification from État-Major Général, ay Quartier général, à Paris, [9 September 1803]

Notification from État-Major Général, ay Quartier général, à Paris stating on the orders of the Premier Consul that Thomas Manning…
TM/3/1/05-Letter from Belville to Madame Delatour D’auvergne, 17 September 1803

Letter from Le Ministre de la Guerre to Madame Delatour D’auvergne, née Vaudreuil concerning the status of Thomas Manning. Dated…
TM/3/1/06-Letter from Girardon, Général de Brigade, 24 November 1803

Letter from Girardon, Général de Brigade to Thomas Manning to request that he attends the Ministre de la Guerre on…
TM/3/1/07-Letter from Le Ministère de la Guerre, 25 Nov 1803

Letter from Le Chef de la 5th Division du Ministère de la Guerre to Madame De Serrant née Vaudreuil to…
TM/3/1/08-Letter from J.A. Junot, Général divisionaire,Paris, 27 December 1803

Letter from A Junol, Général divisionaire, commandant la 1st Division militaire a la Ville de Paris allowing Thomas Manning to…
TM/3/1/09-Letter from Le Ministre de L’Interieur, 1 February 1804

Letter from Le Ministre de L’Interieur to Thomas Manning, Hotel de Paris concerning his request for permission to see La…
TM/3/1/10-Letter from Thomas Manning [7 December 1804]

Letter from Thomas Manning (draft) to Général Consul. Manning writes about gaining a passport to come to France for 2…
TM/3/1/11-Letter from Thomas Manning [August 1804]

Letter from Thomas Manning (draft) to “Citoyen Consul” asking permission for an audience to give a letter from Monsieur de…
TM/3/1/12-Letter from Thomas Manning [1803/4]

Letter from Thomas Manning (draft) to Général Andressi asking permission to go to stay with the Serrants. Dated mercredi matin,…
TM/3/1/13-Letter from Thomas Manning [1803/1804]

Letter from Thomas Manning (draft) to “Citoyen Consul” asking permission to be allowed to return to Paris to continue his…
TM/3/1/14-Letter from Thomas Manning, [1804]

Letter from Thomas Manning (draft) to “Votre Excelllence” asking permission to return to England to see his father prior to…
TM/3/1/15-Letter from Thomas Manning, [1804]

Letter from Thomas Manning (draft) to “Votre Excelllence” asking permission to return to England prior to his voyage to Asia…
TM/3/1/16-Letter from Thomas Manning to Napoleon [1804]

Letter from Thomas Manning (draft) to Napoleon – Votre Majesté – to ask for the correct papers for Manning to…
TM/3/2/01-Letter from Martinet, 26 December 1801

Draft Letter from Thomas Manning, desperate for a letter from this correspondent. Another hand in pencil has written “? If…
TM/3/2/02-Letter from Thomas Manning, 7 January 1803

Letter from Martinet to Thomas Manning. He includes a letter of introduction to Etienne Pierre Ventenat, conservator at La Bibliotheque…
TM/3/2/03-Part of a letter from Wilhelm Kleinschmit, 11 July 1803

Part of a letter from Wilhelm Kleinschmit to [Thomas Manning] concerning him being incorrectly assigned as a citizen of Britain….
TM/3/2/04-Letter from Walsh de Serrant, 20 August 1803

Letter from Walsh de Serrant to Thomas Manning regarding Manning’s permission to stay in Paris. Dated 2 fructidor an 11…
TM/3/2/05-Letter from [Layelle], porteur a l’hotel de Paris, 1803

Letter from [Layelle], porteur a l’hotel de Paris, to Thomas Manning at chateau de Serrant concerning his stay. Dated 28…
TM/3/2/06-Letter from de Vaudreuil, de la Tour d’Auvergne [1803]

Letter from Vaudreuil, de la Tour d’Auvergne to Thomas Manning regarding his permission to stay with the Serrants. Undated, Handwritten,…
TM/3/2/07-Letter from Madame de Vaudreuil [1803]

Letter from Madame de Vaudreuil to Thomas Manning, Hotel de Paris. Short formal, undated note. Handwritten, 1 piece, 2 sides
TM/3/2/08-Letter from Crouzet, Membre associé de l’Institue national, 12 November 1804

Letter from Crouzet, Membre associé de l’Institue national, en Proviseur du Prytanée Francais, to Thomas Manning thanking him for his…
TM/3/2/09-Draft letter(s) from Thomas Manning, [1804]

Draft letter(s) from Thomas Manning to Madame [de Serrant] in which he writes about his desire to go to China….
TM/3/2/10-Note from [Haugley] [1804]

Note from [Haughley] concerning “cette dissertation a la tete du dictionnaire [mautition luxevoir] Undated, handwritten 1 piece, 1 side
TM/3/2/11-Letter from John [Lesane] [1804]

Letter from John [Lesane] to [Thomas Manning]. He writes about making minor discoveries concerned with the works of Euclid which…
TM/3/2/12-Letter from Felis [du Croix], [[1804]

Letter to Thomas Manning from Felix du [ Croix]. He had hoped to say good bye to Manning but had…
TM/3/2/13-Letter to Madame de Serrant [1804]

Letter to Madame de Serrant from [ ]. Undated, handwritten, 1 piece, 2 sides
TM/3/2/14-Letter – unknown author to his sister

Letter – unknown author to his sister – it appears that he is saying good-bye to her and all his…
TM/3/2/15-Letter from de Vaudreuil

Letter from de Vaudreuil to Thomas Manning concerning meeting with Manning. This letter written in French but comes from 58…
TM/3/2/16-Letter from Madame de Vaudreuil, 31 January 1805

Letter from Madame de Vaudreuil to Thomas Manning asking him to call upon her. Addressed from Twickenham to Manning at…
TM/3/2/17-Note from B Thomason, Montmartre, [1805]

Note from B Thomason, Montmartre to Thomas Manning, glad that he is safe and offering himself if he can be…
TM/3/3/1-Letters of invitation

11 short letters of invitation for Thomas Manning to attend social occasions.
TM/3/4/1-Advertising card for the Diligence from London to Paris

Advertising card for the Diligence from London to Paris. Printed card in English and French c.1801
TM/3/4/2-Ticket to travel in the diligence of the Enterprise Generale des Messageries

Ticket to travel in the diligence of the Enterprise Generale des Messageries to Paris on 6 [ ] an 11…