TM/09/01/ : Notebooks and Notes
Hardcover folder with green /red marbling. The initial M is written on ink on front cover. This contains notes, some of which are still held to the cover, others are loose and include three small notebooks. They cover from Manning’s time at university to his later years.
TM/9/1/01-Handmade notebook with language notes

A small handmade notebook with a beige paper cover. It contains pencilled notes which appear to be notes about books…
TM/9/1/02-Handmade notebook: notes on books, Bible and language construction

A small handmade notebook with a beige paper cover with two loose sheets inserted into the notebook. Includes notes on…
TM/9/1/03-Handmade notebook: notes on language construction

A small handmade notebook with a beige paper cover. Mainly notes on language construction and usage. Handwritten in English, Latin,…
TM/9/1/04-Unbound notebook inside envelope addressed to B Dobell Esq

An envelope addressed to B Dobell Esq. Postmarked [1904] (Edward VII halfpenny green stamp embossed on envelope) (Bertram Dobell, 1842-1914…
TM/9/1/05-Notes on Chinese stories

Notes on Chinese stories, pages 9-20, stories 39-48. Inserted into a paper cover written “Some queer stories here B.D” (Bertram…
TM/9/1/06-Poem about despair over numbers – or a lady

Two stanza poem about his despair over numbers – or a lady. Handwritten in English 1 piece, 1 side Dated…
TM/9/1/07 Chinese jests continued

Chinese jests continued. 37, 38, 39, 40-53 with additional notes about 49 & 50. Handwritten, 2 pieces, each 3 sheets….
TM/9/1/08-Rough drafts of Chinese stories

Very rough drafts of Chinese stories. From Volume 2. Handwritten in English. One sheet has Chinese characters. . Undated
TM/9/1/09-Notes from St Helena

Notes probably from Manning’s time at St Helena on his return from China. These notes mention both Napoleon and Hudson…
TM/9/1/10-Article on Whistling

Short article on whistling. Handwritten in French. 1 piece, 1 side Dated lundi 1 priarial (May/June)
TM/9/1/11 “Le retour au Village natal” and “Traduction libre”

“Le retour au Village natal” and “Traduction libre”. Rough draft of Chinese traditions. Handwritten in French , 3 pieces, 11…
TM/9/1/12-Notes on English grammar

Notes on English grammar and the substantive form. Handwritten 2 pieces, 6 sides
TM/9/1/13-Notes on Greek language

Notes on Greek language and on the use of a singular word to convey the substance of many phrases. Mention…
TM/9/1/14-Notes on Tartars dress

Notes on Tartars dress; on Europe and Chinese books – often banned by authorities for Chinese soldiers to carry books….
TM/9/1/15-Notes and thoughts on Implicit Faith

Notes and Thoughts on a book (possibly Poverty of Spirit. Dr Hammond’s Practical Collections) concerning “Implicit Faith belongs to fools…
TM/9/1/16-Notes on Homilies and the Roman Catholic Faith

Notes on Homilies and the Roman Catholic Faith. Handwritten, 1 piece, 4 sides
TM/9/1/17-Draft poem on Copper and the Power of Steam

Draft ?poem on copper and the Power of Steam. On reverse Manning’s address at Redbourn, St Albans. Handwritten 1 piece,…
TM/9/1/18 Draft of a conversation with “James”

Uncovered handmade notebook containing draft of a conversation with “James” about an extraordinary walk in Cambridge, possibly fiction. With small…
TM/9/1/19-Notes on Oliver Cromwell’s speech of 1657

Notes on Oliver Cromwell’s speech entitled His Highness Answer of the Conference at Whitehall April 13, 1657. Handwritten, 1 piece,…
TM/9/1/20-Drafts of speeches read out at Cambridge

Drafts of speeches read out at Cambridge concerning the merits of two princes. One claims it was read in contradiction…
TM/9/1/21 Rough draft of “Revolutionary Song of Freedom” in 10 stanzas

Rough draft of “Revolutionary Song of Freedom” in 10 stanzas. Handwritten, 1 piece, 2 sides
TM/9/1/22 “Written in the early times of the French Revolution” – a poem in 10 stanzas

“Written in the early times of the French Revolution” – a poem in 10 stanzas. Later added in pencil “Foolish…
TM/9/1/23 “Part of Song of Passionate Man” Script/song in two parts + Drafts of other poems

“Part of Song of Passionate Man” Script/song in two parts + Drafts of other poems. Handwritten, 1 piece, 4 sides
TM/9/1/24-Draft of a poem concerning the death of a man on a scaffold.

“Strange verses and mock titles”. Draft of a poem concerning the death of a man on a scaffold. List of…
TM/9/1/24-Draft of a poem concerning the death of a man on a scaffold.

“Strange verses and mock titles”. Draft of a poem concerning the death of a man on a scaffold. List of…
TM/9/1/26-Notes on “The danger of Passion” involving Antonio and his wife, Frederic, Julio, Narcipa and Balthezar

Notes on “The danger of Passion” involving Antonio and his wife, Frederic, Julio, Narcipa and Balthezar. Handwritten, 1 piece, 1…
TM/9/1/27-Draft concerning the beauty of Liberty and Freedom

Two copies of a draft concerning the beauty of Liberty and Freedom. There is mention of William, so possibly was…
TM/9/1/27-Draft concerning the beauty of Liberty and Freedom

Two copies of a draft concerning the beauty of Liberty and Freedom. There is mention of William, so possibly was…
TM/9/1/28-Draft advertisement for a widow lady to care for a boy and girl

Draft advertisement from the guardians for a widow lady to care for a boy and girl; preferably situated in the…
TM/9/1/29-Notes “On the particle par”

Notes “On the particle par”. Notes on linguistics. Handwritten, 3 pieces, 11 sides
TM/9/1/30-Notes on Catholic and Church of England faiths

Notes on Catholic and Church of England faiths. Small handmade notebook, 12 sides
TM/9/1/32-Notes on moral and Newtonian systems

Notes on moral and Newtonian systems; sheet of handwritten notes, 1 piece, 2 sides
TM/9/1/33-Observations on the Consumption of Tea in Bootan, Tibet and Tartary

“Observations on the Consumption of Tea in Bootan, Tibet and Tartary; and on the practicability of advantageously furnishing that article…
TM/9/1/34-Notes on Manning’s failed attempt to reach Peking

Notes on Manning’s failed attempt to reach Peking by becoming European Physician and assistant Astronomer to the Emperor. Handwritten notes,…
TM/9/1/35-Notes on the Social History of Quakers

Notes on the Social History of Quakers. Small handmade notebook, 8 pages
TM/9/1/36-Draft of a letter from Thomas Manning regarding Chinese translations

Draft of a letter from Thomas Manning. He seems to be leaving some Chinese translations with the recipient in case…
TM/9/1/37-Assortment of notes on scraps of paper

Assortment of notes on scraps of paper. Handwritten, 14 pieces
TM/9/1/38-“Collect. Inquirend”. Notes on Chinese life, culture and language.

“Collect. Inquirend”. Notes on Chinese life, culture and language. Handwritten notes, strung into folder, 4 sheets, 15 sides
TM/9/1/39-Notes made in 1807 from his reading, and on observations in Canton

“Notes” Notes made by Manning during 1807 from his reading, and on observations in Canton. Handwritten notes, strung into folder….
Uncovered handmade notebook containing draft of a conversation with “James” about an extraordinary walk in Cambridge, possibly fiction

Uncovered handmade notebook containing draft of a conversation with “James” about an extraordinary walk in Cambridge, possibly fiction. With small…