[RAS 015] Doyle Collection
The Doyle Collection comprises part of a large donation to the Society by Major-General Charles Doyle (1787-1848).
[RAS 015.001] March through the Kherigarh Pass

[RAS 015.001] March through the Kherigarh Pass, Kumaun, ca. 1814. Inscribed on the front in pencil: The Chereegaty Pass […]….
[RAS 015.003] Gurkha stockade

[RAS 015.003] Gurkha stockade near Bettiah, Bihar, 1814. Inscribed on the reverse in ink: No 16 by Lt J Harris…
[RAS 015.004] View near Amowa

[RAS 015.004] View near Amowa, Bihar, 1814 Inscribed on reverse in ink: No 17 Sketch of the country near Amowah…
[RAS 015.005] Gurkha stockade

[RAS 015.005] Gurkha stockade near Bettiah, Bihar. 1814. Inscribed on the reverse in ink: AD 1814 Stockade & Himalah range…
[RAS 015.006] Gurkha stockade

[RAS 015.006] Gurkha stockade near Bettiah, Bihar, 1814. Inscribed on the reverse in ink: ‘Sketch taken on the Bettiah frontier…
[RAS 015.007] Pre-Asokan Pillar

[RAS 015.007] The pre-Asokan pillar at Araraj, north Bihar, 1814. Inscribed on the reverse in ink: No 20 Amowah, north…
[RAS 015.012C] View of Hatras

[RAS 015.012C] View of the fort of Hatras, Rajasthan, 1817. In 1817 Marquess Hastings ordered an attack of this fort…
[RAS 015.013] Fort of Thalner

[RAS 015.013] Fort of Thalner, Khandesh, ca, 1817 Inscribed on the reverse in ink: ‘Sketch of the Fort of Taulnier…
[RAS 015.017] Fort near Jaipur

[RAS 015.017] Fort near Jaipur, Rajasthan, 1818 Inscribed on the front in ink: ‘West view of Mootes Dungree near Jeypoor…
[RAS 015.051] Muslim domed tomb

[RAS 015.051] Landscape view with Muslim domed tomb, ca. 1819 Watercolour: 13 x 17 cm By George Chinnery. Donated by Major-General…
[RAS 015.052] Landscape with Muslim domed tomb

[RAS 015.052] Landscape with Muslim domed tomb, 1819 Inscribed in ink on the reverse: Geo Chinnery 1819. Watercolour: 12 x…
[RAS 015.053] A Dookarn (shop) where grain is sold

An original drawing with caption ‘A Dookarn (shop) where grain is sold’, c. 1818, by Jairam Das, who worked in…
[RAS 015.054] Method of treading out the corn

An original drawing with caption ‘Method of trading out the corn’, c. 1818, by Jairam Das, who worked in Patna…
[RAS 015.055] Method of making Earthern Ware

An original drawing with caption ‘Method of making Earthern Ware’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam…
[RAS 015.056] A Doorkarn (shop) where fruit and vegetables are sold

An original drawing with caption ‘A Doorkarn (shop) where fruit and vegetables are sold’ inscribed in ink on album folio,…
[RAS 015.057] Burthen Camels

An original drawing with caption ‘Burthen Camels’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam Das, who worked…
[RAS 015.058] Method of carrying shawls, cloths etc from the upper Provinces to Hindostan

An original drawing with caption ‘Method of carrying shawls, cloths etc from the upper Provinces to Hindostan’ inscribed in ink…
[RAS 015.059] A Confectioner’s Shop in the Bazaar

An original drawing with caption ‘A Confectioner’s Shop in the Bazaar’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by…
[RAS 015.060] Method of carrying Females of the Mudhery Class

An original drawing with caption ‘Method of carrying Females of the Mudhery Class’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c….
[RAS 015.061] Making paper

An original drawing with caption ‘Making paper’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam Das, who worked…
[RAS 015.062] Method of weaving a kind of Broad Tape

An original drawing with caption ‘Method of weaving a kind of Broad Tape’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c….
[RAS 015.063] Mistries or native Carpenters

An original drawing with caption ‘Mistries or native Carpenters’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam Das,…
[RAS 015.064] A Trooper of Col. Gardiner’s Rohiller Horse

An original drawing with caption ‘A Trooper of Col. Gardiner’s Rohiller Horse’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818,…
[RAS 015.065] A Hindostanee Palanquine

An original tinted drawing with caption ‘Mohopah or Hindostanee Palanquine’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam…
[RAS 015.066] A Jewaun or Trooper belonging to Col. Skinner’s Irregular Cavalry

An original tinted drawing with caption ‘A Jewaun or Trooper belonging to Col. Skinner’s Irregular Cavalry’ inscribed in ink on…
[RAS 015.067] An Officer of Col. Gardiner’s Irregular Cavalry

An original tinted drawing with caption ‘An Officer of Col. Gardiner’s Irregular Cavalry’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c….
[RAS 015.068] Making Hindostanee Bread

An original drawing with caption ‘Making Hindostanee Bread’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam Das, who…
[RAS 015.069] A Jemadur or Head Peon

An original drawing with caption ‘A Jemadur or Head Peon’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam…
[RAS 015.070] Seller of Utter of Roses, Sandal wood and Sweet Scents

An original drawing with caption ‘Seller of Utter of Roses, Sandal wood and Sweet Scents’ inscribed in ink on album…
[RAS 015.071] Man carrying small pots of Taury juice off the Taur Tree

An original drawing with caption ‘Man carrying small pots of Taury juice off the Taur Tree’ inscribed in ink on…
[RAS 015.072] A Chokeedar or Police Guard

An original drawing with caption ‘A Chokeedar or Police Guard’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam…
[RAS 015.073] Baboo (or Head Sircar) a Steward who transacts Money Business

An original drawing with caption ‘Baboo (or Head Sircar) a Steward who transacts Money Business’ inscribed in ink on album…
[RAS 015.074] Hircarrah or Running Footman

An original drawing with caption ‘Hircarrah or Running Footman’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam Das,…
[RAS 015.075] A Chaubdoor Servant of State

An original drawing with caption ‘A Chaubdoor Servant of State’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam…
[RAS 015.076] A Hookah Burdar or Indian Pipe Bearer

An original drawing with caption ‘A Hookah Burdar or Indian Pipe Bearer’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818,…
[RAS 015.077] Moonshee or Native Teacher of Languages

An original drawing with caption ‘Moonshee or Native Teacher of Languages’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by…
[RAS 015.078] Hindoo Woman returning from Bathing

An original drawing with caption ‘Hindoo Woman returning from Bathing’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam…
[RAS 015.079] A Hindoo Woman carrying Fruit

An original drawing with caption ‘A Hindoo Woman carrying Fruit’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam…
[RAS 015.080] A Soontah Burdar servant who announces Visitors

An original drawing with caption ‘A Soontah Burdar servant who announces Visitors’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818,…
[RAS 015.081] A Native Woman carrying water

An original drawing with caption ‘A Native Woman carrying water’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam…
[RAS 015.082] A Punkah Burdar or Fan Bearer

An original drawing with caption ‘A Punkah Burdar or Fan Bearer’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by…
[RAS 015.083] Method of Distilling Arrak

An original drawing with caption ‘Method of Distilling Arrak’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam Das,…
[RAS 015.084] A Seik

An original drawing with caption ‘A Seik’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam Das, who worked…
[RAS 015.085] Indian Method of expressing Oil

An original drawing with caption ‘Indian Method of expressing Oil’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam…
[RAS 015.086] Method of Cutting and Polishing Cornelian

An original drawing with caption ‘Method of Cutting and Polishing Cornelian’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by…
[RAS 015.087] Method of Churning Butter in Earthen Pots

An original drawing with caption ‘Method of Churning Butter in Earthen Pots’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818,…
[RAS 015.088] A Nepaul Sepoy

An original tinted drawing with caption ‘A Nepaul Sepoy’ inscribed in ink on album folio, c. 1818, by Jairam Das,…
[RAS 015.099] Kali and worshippers

[RAS 015.099] ‘Kali with worshippers in a hall’ Part of an album of 80 paintings depicting religious subjects. By an…
[RAS 015.100] Durga in Procession

[RAS 015.100] ‘An image of the god Durga being carried in a procession Part of an album of 80 paintings…
[RAS 015.145] Muharram ka Imambara

[RAS 015.145] Inscribed: ‘Mohommka Emambeirah’ Part of an album of 36 watercolours and drawings illustrating costumes, customs, and castes of…
[RAS 015.146] Ta’zia

[RAS 015.146] Inscribed: Tazeeah Part of an album of 36 watercolours and drawings illustrating costumes, customs, and castes of India,…