
Month: September 2018

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 001, Whish MS 1] Ṛgveda bhāṣya […]

[RAS South Indian Sanskrit MS 1, Whish MS 1] Ṛgveda bhāṣya and Sāyaṇācārya’s commentary on the first Āraṇyaka of the…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 002, Whish MS 2] Ṛgveda-bhāṣya

Language-Sanskrit Date[1800?] Palm-leaf; 9 or 10 lines on a page. Text runs from the 23th Varga of the 5th Adhyāya…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 003, Whish MS 3] Brahmagītā

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Text consists of the Brahmagītā from the Yajñavaibhavakhaṇḍa in the Sūtasaṃhitā of the Skandapurāṇa. Text begins: ṛṣaya…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 004, Whish MS 4] Commentary on the Brahmagītā

Creator – Mādhavācarya Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Text begins: vande sindhuravaktran taṃ bandhun dinasya santatam | pratyūhavyūhaśamanam upāsyaṃ sarvadevataiḥ || evam…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 005, Whish MS 5] Prāyaścittasubodhinī

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Manuscript consists of 4 texts: Prāyaścittasubodhinī, a work on expiatory rites (Śrauta ritual), by Śrīnivāsamakhin of the…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 006, Whish MS 6] Ātharvaṇaprokta

Creator – Jagannāthasūri ; Naṭanānanda Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Manuscript consists of 3 texts: Śaktisūtra with its Bhāṣya, 20 sūtras with its…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 007, Whish MS 7] Hālāsyamāhātmya

Language-Sanskrit Date[1800?] Text consists of the Hālāsyamāhātmya of the Agastyasaṃhitā of the Skanda-purāṇa, in 71 chapters. The text begins: avighnam…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 008, Whish MS 8] Rasābhivyañjikā

Creator – Svayamprakāśa Yati Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Palm-leaf; 9 lines per folio. Manuscript consists of two texts, both by Svayamprakāśa…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 009, Whish MS 9] Bhāgavata sāram

Creator – Mādhavācarya Language-Sanskrit Date[1800?] Palm-leaf; 8 lines on each folio. Manuscript consists of 4 texts: 1. Described by C….

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 010, Whish MS 10] Commentary on the Bālakāṇḍa and Ayodhyākāṇḍa of Vālmīki’s Rāmāyaṇa

Creator – Ramanuja Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] The commentary on the Bālakāṇḍa begins: rāmam indīvaraśyāmaṃ rājīvāyatalocanaṃ | jyāghoṣanirjitārātiñ jānakīramaṇaṃ bhaje ||…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 011, Whish MS 11] Ekādaśaskandhasāraślokasaṃgraha

Creator – Brahmānanda Bhāratī Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] The text is a metrical compilation of the doctrines contained in the eleventh…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 012, Whish MS 12] Kāmadogdhrī

Creator – Tammayajvan Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Palm-leaf; 8 to 10 lines on a folio. Manuscript consists of 2 texts (22…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 013, Whish MS 13] Ṛgveda-bhāṣya

Creator – Sāyaṇa Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Palm-leaf; 10 or 11 lines on a folio. Text consists of the first Adhyāya…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 014, Whish MS 13A] Ṛgveda-saṃhitā

Language-Sanskrit Date[1800?] Palm-leaf; 15 lines. Manuscript consists of a single damaged palm leaf with the text of the beginning of…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 015, Whish MS 14] Taittirīya-upaniṣad-bhāṣya

Creator – Śaṅkara Language-Sanskrit Date[1800?] Palm-leaf; 6 lines on a folio. Text consists of Śaṅkara’s commentary on the Taittirīya Upaniṣad….

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 016, Whish MS 15] Upanishads. Īśopaniṣad.

Creator – Śaṅkara Language-Sanskrit Date[1800?] Palm-leaf; 8 lines on a folio. Manuscript consists of the following texts: 15a(1) The Īśa…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 017, Whish MS 16] [Collection of six Upanishads]

Language-Sanskrit Date[1800?] Manuscript consists of the texts of six Upanisads: the Kaṭhavallī or Kaṭha Upaniṣad (f.1-7); the Praśna Upaniṣad (f.8-12);…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 018, Whish MS 17] [Collection of twelve Ātharvaṇa Upaniṣads]

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Manuscript consists of two parts. Part A: a collection of 12 Ātharvaṇa Upaniṣads: 1. Rahasya Upaniṣad (f.1-4b);…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 020, Whish MS 19] Bhāgavata Purāṇa. Skandhas 1-9

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Text consists of Bhāgavata Purāṇa, Skandhas 1-9. Winternitz notes that the manuscript looks fairly old. Text begins:…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 021, Whish MS 20] Śatarudriya

Language-Sanskrit Date[1800?] Manuscript consists of 3 texts: 1. Caraṇavyūha (f.1-4); 2. the beginning of a commentary on the Śatarudriya, or…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 022, Whish MS 21] Śatarudriya

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Manuscript consists of: 1. A commentary on the Śatarudriya or Rudrādhyāya of the Taittirīya-Saṃhitā (iv, 5), f.1-70…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 023, Whish MS 22] Chāndogyopaniṣad-vivaraṇa

Creator – Śaṅkara Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Text consists of Śaṅkara’s Chāndogyopaniṣad-vivaraṇa, or Commentary on the Chāndogya Upaniṣad. Text begins: om…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 024, Whish MS 23] Vivekacūḍāmaṇi

Creator – Śaṅkarācārya Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Manuscript consists of three sections: 1. Commentaries by Śaṅkara on the Kaṭha Upaniṣad (f.1-31a),…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 025, Whish MS 24] Viliṃghyavyākhyāna

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] The manuscript consists of the following: 1. Commentaries on the Saptalakṣaṇa; 2. a commentary on the Bhāradvājaśikṣā,…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 026, Whish MS 25] Mantrapāṭha

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Manuscript consists of two texts: 1. the Mantrapraśnadvaya, or the Mantrapāṭha of the Āpastambins in 2 Praśnas;…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 027, Whish MS 26] Ekāgnikāṇḍavyākhyā

Creator – Haradatta Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Text of the Ekāgnikāṇḍavyākhyā, or Mantrapraśnabhāṣya, or Mantrabhāṣya, by Haradatta. Winternitz notes that this…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 028, Whish MS 27] Svaralakṣaṇa

Creator – Keśavārya Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Manuscript consists of the following texts: the Svarapañcaśacchlokī Vyākhyā, a commentary on the Svaralakṣaṇa…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 029, Whish MS 28] Mahāgaṇeśa-mantrapaddhati

Creator – Gīrvāṇendra Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Text consists of fragments of the Mahāgaṇeśa-Mantrapaddhati by Gīrvāṇendra, the pupil of Viśveśvara. Viśveśvara…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 030, Whish MS 29] Mayūkhamālikā

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Text consists of the Mayūkhamālikā, a Commentary on Pārthasārathimiśra’s Śāstradīpikā (a Commentary on the Mīmāṃsā Sūtras). Somanātha…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 031, Whish MS 30] Śivagītā

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Text consists of the Śiva-gītā in 16 Adhyāyas (from the Padma Purāṇa, see ‘A contribution towards an…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 032, Whish MS 31] Pañcaratnaprakaraṇa

Language-Sanskrit Date 1822 Manuscript consists of the following texts: 1. Pañcaratnaprakaraṇa, f.1-8; 2. the Guru-gītā from the Skanda Purāṇa, f.9-22…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 033, Whish MS 32] Commentary on Śaṅkarācārya’s Ātmabodhaprakaraṇa

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Text consists of a commentary on Śaṅkarācārya’s Ātmabodhaprakaraṇa. Winternitz notes that according to Prof. Th. Aufrecht, it…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 034, Whish MS 33] Puranas. Viṣṇupurāṇa

Creator – Śeṣasūri Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Re date of manuscript, Winternitz notes ‘Entry by C. M. Whish dated ‘Decr. 1831.’…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 035, Whish MS 34] Jayamaṅgaḻā

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Text consists of the Jayamaṅgaḻā, a commentary on the Lalitāsahasranāmastotra (from the Brahmānaṇḍa Purāṇa), by Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇa,…

[South Indian Sanskrit MS 036, Whish MS 35] Mīmāṃsākaustubha

Language-Sanskrit Date [1800?] Text consists of portions of the Mīmāṃsākaustubha, a commentary on Jaimini’s Mīmāṃsā-Darśana, by Khaṇḍadeva, the son of…